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Welcome to our Community

Python Nigeria is a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting the Python Programming Language across Nigeria.

With the aim to make a difference, we kicked off different initiatives to address and positively influence the rate of technological change in our society.

One of the organisation's key initiatives is supporting impactful open source projects created by Nigerian developers. Python Nigeria was established in 2016 and became a registered organisation under the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria as Python Software Community CAC/IT/NO57296 in March 2017. The purpose of the Organisation is to promote the use of Python as a programming language in Nigeria.

Our Initiatives


PyLadies Nigeria

Our mission is to promote, educate and advance a diverse Python community through outreach, education, conferences, events, and social gatherings.


PyData Lagos

PyData Lagos is a group for users and developers of data analysis tools to share ideas and learn from each other.

Success Stories

A portrait of obiamaka-agbaneje

Obiamaka Agbaneje

Obiamaka had applied to be part of the first DjangoGIrls events but couldn’t make it. Obiamaka ended up going through the tutorial herself and being a coach at the 2nd DjangoGirls Lagos.

A portrait of obiamaka-agbaneje

Ruth Temiloluwa Afape

Ruth was introduced to Django Girls by her friend Opetunde Adepoju, who attended the first Django Girls in Lagos. After that, Ruth, Opetunde and Ruth Obe collaborated to host the first one in their school in 2016.

Meet Our Team

The Success of Python Nigeria won't be achieved without the sacrifice and commitment of our wonderful team.