Our Success Stories

Portrait image of the website owner and macrame artist

The founding of Python Nigeria has influenced more communities coming out of Africa e.g Python Benin Republic and Python Ghana. Python nigeria impacts not just the community but also it’s individual members

Ruth Temiloluwa Afape's story

Ruth was introduced to Django Girls by her friend Opetunde Adepoju, who attended the first Django Girls in Lagos. After that, Ruth, Opetunde and Ruth Obe collaborated to host the first one in their school in 2016. After co-organising a Django Girls event in LAUTECH, Ruth attended the second Django Girls in Lagos as an attendee, and she went through the tutorial.

She organised and coached several Django girls between 2016 and 2020. All these sparked her interest in Python for Data Science, and she also confounded the Data Science Student community in her school, which has impacted over 1,000 students in school. In the year 2019, she served as the treasurer for the Python Nigeria board.

She is currently a volunteer for various Tech communities such as Google Developers Group, Python Software Foundation Grant Group, Python Nigeria and many others and the founder of Rubies Technologies. Rubies Tech trains, equips, and empowers Africans with digital and technological skills for Global Relevance.

Obiamaka Agbaneje's story

Obiamaka had applied to be part of the first DjangoGIrls events but couldn’t make it. Obiamaka ended up going through the tutorial herself and being a coach at the 2nd DjangoGirls Lagos.

Obiamaka went on to be one of the leaders at PyLadies Nigeria, got a scholarship to Robert Gordon university and now works as a data engineering lead at Stirling Capital in Toronto

Python in Education

Since the Python Community started Python Programming language is now being taught in senior secondary schools and in universities. This is a major feat as universities who still had cobol and fortran in their curriculum are now embracing Python in the school curriculum.

For example Adekunle Ajasin University in Ondo now require their first year students to do their projects in Python, Ladoke Akintola University of TEchnology, University of Ibadan, University of Jos, Yaba College of Technology, amongst others have added Python to their Curriculum.

Python Nigeria in Startups

Our community leaders and members have gone on to found startup companies like Cowrywise and Tuteria built with Python thereby creating more python jobs in Nigeria